Monday, June 26, 2006

Anthony Bourdain: Back in Black

Now that Anthony Bourdain has a new book coming out, he drops in at Salon for this laugh-out-loud interview. It's worth the commercial they make you sit through.

After calling Rachael Ray a bobblehead, the interviewer asks Bourdain if he may revise his opinion of her:

Will we see you in a year saying, "Oh, I had drinks with Rachael Ray, and actually, she's all right"?

Yeah, right. "After the hot-tub incident, I've changed my mind." You know, listen, like I said, I could be wrong. Unlikely. But maybe she's nice to puppies.

Sure, sure -- you haven't seen her kicking any old people lately.

Actually, that would be cool. If I ever saw her getting trashed on Old Crow, pistol-whipping a vegan after a bar crawl, I would think, "That's an interesting woman. I would like to know her."

Go now.

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