Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Next Food Network Star: Which Guy Won?

On April 5, I predicted:
I'll be surprised if Guy doesn't win this thing. He's arrogant, loud, and obnoxious, but he's the only one out of the 8 contestants that seems remotely camera-ready. He's Emeril with a bad bleach job. This entire competition just seems like a formality before they give Guy his own show.
On April 12, I said:
I still think this entire show is a run-up to Guy's evenutal coronation.
On April 19, I wrote:
I think Guy will end up having his own nationally televised cooking show either way.
It's not like I was alone in feeling like Guy was way ahead of the pack. Anyone who watched more than 10 minutes of any episode would see that Guy was the clear front runner. Even the Food Network gave Guy prime placement in its print ads:

For those who haven't seen the finale yet, I think you can see what I'm getting at. Meet The Next Food Network Star.

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