Friday, December 2, 2005

Friday Frozen Dinner: Sandra Lee's Feeding Rainbow

I have many questions regarding Sandra Lee.

Why is she so proud of her ziploc piping bags?

What is the real story of the breakup of her marriage?

At what point will her breasts hang below her waist?

How long till she appears naked in Playboy?

How did she get her own tv show?

But my number one question is:

Why does her kitchen always coordinate with her outfits?

I know, I know, how can I expect a woman with pancake makeup and bleeding mascara to not want to fiddle around with her kitchen every other day? It is like a freakin Broadway show on her set, complete with changing sets, stage makeup, costumes and dramatics.

Here's my evidence, ROYGBIV-style.

Here's a whole bunch of Sandra Lee photos from recent media events, including such pairings as Sandra Lee and Mary Hart, Sandra Lee and Adrien Brody, and Sandra Lee and Jadakiss.

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